I have done multiple works ranging from desktop to  cloud based applications development and support  in various industries,  below are some of my recent work on websites;


- http://www.godkatech.com

- https://www.soulampent.com


- https://www.getfmw.org



Please note that list is not exhaustive it only shows sample works still online.


 Further works include :

-  Management Information  Systems for  Sugarcane Out-growers in Dwangwa and Chikwawa areas covering 14 out grower institutions

- Management Information System for FoodSec Malawi

- Mobile Data Collection Tool for  Moyo Wa Thanzi Kwa Mai ndi Mwana  Project

- DHIS 2 Database For Global Fund- WV Malawi  www.gfmis.org


Demos and samples can be provided upon request